Buy the perfect GIFT


Together with other suppliers, we now offer you a shopping experience with unique, quality products that will surely be to your taste.

Delivered nationally to the destination of your choice.


The Señor Chef brand was created in 2002 exclusively for schools.

Señor Chef focuses on school fundraising projects, offering its own product range and partnering with reputable national suppliers to provide schools with a broader selection of products, boasting a wide range of herbs and spices, plastic bags, cleaning products and other unique gift ideas.

Due to public demand, we are now proud to announce the opening of our online sales platform to the public!

Superior Quality & Value

The Braai Collection
The Braai Collection
Regular price
R 120.00
Sale price
R 120.00
The Six Essential Grinders
The Six Essential Grinders
Regular price
R 195.00
Sale price
R 195.00
Tower of Taste
Tower of Taste
Regular price
R 115.00
Sale price
R 115.00
Selected Herbs
Selected Herbs
Regular price
R 100.00
Sale price
R 100.00